Vector Type ABI Shenanigans

In a previous post I mentioned Clang’s OpenCL vector extension. Since then I’ve continued playing around with AppKit and Metal programming, and my enthusiam for Clang’s OpenCL vectors has only grown since.

It’s often necessary to specify two-dimensional values when doing GUI programming. Apple’s frameworks for making GUIs (AppKit, Core Graphics, Core Text, etc) use CGPoint and CGSize (sometimes under the aliases NSPoint and NSSize) for this purpose. These types are defined as follows:

// Adapted from $(xcrun --show-sdk-path)/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Headers/CFCGTypes.h

#if defined(__LP64__) && __LP64
typedef double CGFloat;
typedef float CGFloat;

typedef struct CGPoint CGPoint;
struct CGPoint {
	CGFloat x;
	CGFloat y;

typedef struct CGSize CGSize;
struct CGSize {
	CGFloat width;
	CGFloat height;

Working with these types can be cumbersome since all code is duplicated, once for each dimension. On top of that, in my experience the distinction between points and sizes isn’t worth making at the type level. As a result I’ve been intending for My Systems Language That I Will Definitely Implement One Day to replace both CGPoint and CGSize with its built-in vector type support. For this to work these vector types would need to be ABI-equivalent to their simple C struct equivalents.

The simd framework on Apple platforms provides convenient type aliases and functions for working with OpenCL vectors. It includes aligned and packed variants of each vector type: simd_float2 and simd_packed_float2, for example. The aligned variants are aligned to sizeof(Element) * arity, while the packed variants are aligned to sizeof(Element). I’m not sure why, but packed variants of three-element vectors aren’t included. Some examples:

typesizealignpacked sizepacked align
float × 28884
float × 31616
float × 41616164
float × 83232324

It’s interesting how simd_float3 has the same size and alignment as simd_float4. Also, note how the size and alignment of the packed types is the same as the size and alignment of equivalent C structs. Surely that means the ABIs are the same, too? I could write something like this in my language:

#if size_of(int) == 8
	type CGFloat = f64
	type CGFloat2 = f64x2p // equivalent to simd_packed_double2
	type CGFloat = f32
	type CGFloat2 = f32x2p

Unfortunately, this hypothetical CGFloat2 is not ABI-compatible with CGPoint/CGSize. As it turns out, the ABI of OpenCL vectors is … weird, and the ABI of packed OpenCL vectors doesn’t match that of standard C structs.

To understand why, we first need to go over some context. The ARM64 ABI is specified in the AAPCS64. ARM64’s SIMD registers can be addressed as either 8 or 16 byte vectors of 8-, 16-, 32- or 64-bit elements. The AAPCS64 refers to these as “short vectors”. Also, it says that function arguments and return values larger than 16 bytes are passed on the stack, rather than in registers.

Before I bore you to death, let’s see an example. I’ve defined a vector of four 32-bit floats using a number of different methods:

typedef float f32;
typedef double f64;

typedef struct f32x4 f32x4;
struct f32x4 {
	f32 n[4];
typedef f32 f32x4_opencl __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4)));
typedef f32 f32x4_opencl_packed __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4), aligned(4)));
typedef f32 f32x4_neon __attribute__((neon_vector_type(4)));

Let’s define a function to increment each element by 1 for each type:

f32x4 f32x4_inc(f32x4 v) {
	return (f32x4){
		v.n[0] + 1,
		v.n[1] + 1,
		v.n[2] + 1,
		v.n[3] + 1,

f32x4_opencl f32x4_inc_opencl(f32x4_opencl v) {
	return v + 1;

f32x4_opencl_packed f32x4_inc_opencl_packed(f32x4_opencl_packed v) {
	return v + 1;

f32x4_neon f32x4_inc_neon(f32x4_neon v) {
	return v + 1;

On ARM64 macOS with Apple Clang 16.0.0, I get the following assembly:1

	fmov    s4, #1
	fadd    s0, s0, s4
	fadd    s1, s1, s4
	fadd    s2, s2, s4
	fadd    s3, s3, s4

	fmov    v1.4s, #1
	fadd    v0.4s, v0.4s, v1.4s

	fmov    v1.4s, #1
	fadd    v0.4s, v0.4s, v1.4s

	fmov    v1.4s, #1
	fadd    v0.4s, v0.4s, v1.4s

The arguments and return values of all the functions were passed using registers, exactly as you’d expect since the types all have a size of 16 bytes. Curiously, the scalar version passed the four floats in s0, s1, s2 and s3, while the vector versions pass them in a single vector register, v0. And there you have it: packed OpenCL vectors are not ABI-compatible with plain C structs.

What happens, though, if we use vectors larger than 16 bytes?

typedef struct f32x8 f32x8;
struct f32x8 {
	f32 n[8];
typedef f32 f32x8_opencl __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8)));
typedef f32 f32x8_opencl_packed __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8), aligned(4)));
typedef struct f32x8_neon f32x8_neon;
struct f32x8_neon {
	f32x4_neon n[2];

f32x8 f32x8_inc(f32x8 v) {
	return (f32x8){
		v.n[0] + 1,
		v.n[1] + 1,
		v.n[2] + 1,
		v.n[3] + 1,
		v.n[4] + 1,
		v.n[5] + 1,
		v.n[6] + 1,
		v.n[7] + 1,

f32x8_opencl f32x8_inc_opencl(f32x8_opencl v) {
	return v + 1;

f32x8_opencl_packed f32x8_inc_opencl_packed(f32x8_opencl_packed v) {
	return v + 1;

f32x8_neon f32x8_inc_neon(f32x8_neon v) {
	return (f32x8_neon){
		v.n[0] + 1,
		v.n[1] + 1,

Clang’s neon_vector_type attribute only supports 64- and 128-bit vectors since those are the only vector sizes ARM64 supports, so I’ve constructed an eight-element f32 Neon vector using an array. What does the assembly look like?

	fmov    v0.4s, #1
	ldp     q1, q2, [x0]
	fadd    v1.4s, v1.4s, v0.4s
	fadd    v0.4s, v2.4s, v0.4s
	stp     q1, q0, [x8]

	ldp     q1, q0, [x0]
	fmov    v2.4s, #1
	fadd    v1.4s, v1.4s, v2.4s
	fadd    v0.4s, v0.4s, v2.4s
	stp     q1, q0, [x8]

	ldp     q1, q0, [x0]
	fmov    v2.4s, #1
	fadd    v1.4s, v1.4s, v2.4s
	fadd    v0.4s, v0.4s, v2.4s
	stp     q1, q0, [x8]

	fmov    v2.4s, #1
	fadd    v0.4s, v0.4s, v2.4s
	fadd    v1.4s, v1.4s, v2.4s

This here is what caught me off guard. As predicted we’re now seeing arguments and return values pass through memory, but for some reason the Neon version still doesn’t touch memory?! Additionally, although we’re accessing memory in the packed variant of the OpenCL function, it still produces the same assembly as the aligned variant, so I’ll stop including it from here on out.

How is it possible for f32x8_inc_neon to have its argument and return value pass solely through registers even though they both have a size of 32 bytes? Well, it turns out that the AAPCS64 makes an exception for “Homogenous Floating-Point Aggregates” (HFAs) and “Homogenous Short-Vector Aggregates” (HVAs). These are either arrays or structs where each member has the same type; this type is a floating-point number in the case of an HFA, or a short vector in the case of an HVA. Moreover, HFAs and HVAs can only have four or fewer members.

It seems that f32x8_neon qualifies as an HVA – it consists of two short vector members and nothing else – and as a result f32x8_inc_neon doesn’t touch memory. f32x8 doesn’t qualify as an HFA since it has eight members, and f32x8_opencl doesn’t qualify as an HVA since it’s one 32-byte vector rather than two 16-byte vector members (which would count as short vectors).

After working all this out, I was wondering how I could stretch HFAs and HVAs to their limits. Let’s try a vector of four f64s:

typedef struct f64x4 f64x4;
struct f64x4 {
	f64 n[4];
typedef f64 f64x4_opencl __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4)));
typedef f64 f64x2_neon __attribute__((neon_vector_type(2)));
typedef struct f64x4_neon f64x4_neon;
struct f64x4_neon {
	f64x2_neon n[2];

f64x4 f64x4_inc(f64x4 v) {
	return (f64x4){
		v.n[0] + 1,
		v.n[1] + 1,
		v.n[2] + 1,
		v.n[3] + 1,

f64x4_opencl f64x4_inc_opencl(f64x4_opencl v) {
	return v + 1;

f64x4_neon f64x4_inc_neon(f64x4_neon v) {
	return (f64x4_neon){
		v.n[0] + 1,
		v.n[1] + 1,
	fmov    d4, #1
	fadd    d0, d0, d4
	fadd    d1, d1, d4
	fadd    d2, d2, d4
	fadd    d3, d3, d4

	ldp     q1, q0, [x0]
	fmov    v2.2d, #1
	fadd    v1.2d, v1.2d, v2.2d
	fadd    v0.2d, v0.2d, v2.2d
	stp     q1, q0, [x8]

	fmov    v2.2d, #1
	fadd    v0.2d, v0.2d, v2.2d
	fadd    v1.2d, v1.2d, v2.2d

Just as you’d think, f64x4 counts as an HFA and f64x4_neon counts as an HVA, and as a result f64x4_inc and f64x4_inc_neon don’t access memory! Funnily enough, the fancy OpenCL compiler extension-using f64x4_inc_opencl is the worst off here.

We can go further. Double it!

typedef struct f64x8 f64x8;
struct f64x8 {
	f64 n[8];
typedef f64 f64x8_opencl __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8)));
typedef struct f64x8_neon f64x8_neon;
struct f64x8_neon {
	f64x2_neon n[4];

f64x8 f64x8_inc(f64x8 v) {
	return (f64x8){
		v.n[0] + 1,
		v.n[1] + 1,
		v.n[2] + 1,
		v.n[3] + 1,
		v.n[4] + 1,
		v.n[5] + 1,
		v.n[6] + 1,
		v.n[7] + 1,

f64x8_opencl f64x8_inc_opencl(f64x8_opencl v) {
	return v + 1;

f64x8_neon f64x8_inc_neon(f64x8_neon v) {
	return (f64x8_neon){
		v.n[0] + 1,
		v.n[1] + 1,
		v.n[2] + 1,
		v.n[3] + 1,
	fmov    v0.2d, #1
	ldp     q1, q2, [x0]
	fadd    v1.2d, v1.2d, v0.2d
	fadd    v2.2d, v2.2d, v0.2d
	stp     q1, q2, [x8]
	ldp     q1, q2, [x0, #0x20]
	fadd    v1.2d, v1.2d, v0.2d
	fadd    v0.2d, v2.2d, v0.2d
	stp     q1, q0, [x8, #0x20]

	ldp     q1, q0, [x0, #0x20]
	ldp     q3, q2, [x0]
	fmov    v4.2d, #1
	fadd    v3.2d, v3.2d, v4.2d
	fadd    v2.2d, v2.2d, v4.2d
	fadd    v1.2d, v1.2d, v4.2d
	fadd    v0.2d, v0.2d, v4.2d
	stp     q1, q0, [x8, #0x20]
	stp     q3, q2, [x8]

	fmov    v4.2d, #1
	fadd    v0.2d, v0.2d, v4.2d
	fadd    v1.2d, v1.2d, v4.2d
	fadd    v2.2d, v2.2d, v4.2d
	fadd    v3.2d, v3.2d, v4.2d

While the scalar and OpenCL implementations both succumb to the ABI, f64x8_inc_neon cruises on, consuming and returning 64 bytes at a time without a single memory access!

  1. I’ve taken the liberty to convert Apple’s non-standard fadd.4s v0, v0, v1 syntax to fadd v0.4s, v0.4s, v1.4s. And yes, I am aware that Apple platforms deviate slightly from the AAPCS64, but it doesn’t matter for our purposes in this article. ↩︎

Luna Razzaghipour
15 October 2024