Dynamic Arrays with Data-Oriented Design

I would say that dynamic arrays are the most common container type. When programming in a data-oriented style where all allocations are done ahead of time, dynamic arrays manifested as an explicit type like C++’s std::vector or Rust’s Vec<T> often aren’t even necessary.

In many cases, data-oriented design advocates the use of numerous large flat arrays of scalar values. A lot of code ends up consisting of logic to process items one by one, shoving them into those arrays along the way.

The standard approach

Let’s assume we are using a typical general-purpose memory allocator. We have three dynamic arrays which use a doubling growth strategy. The first is filled with as, the second with bs and the third with cs. If we are in a loop appending to these dynamic arrays again and again, over time our memory would look something like this:

capacity of
 a   b   c   memory
=== === === ==================================
 1   1   1   abc.............................
 2   1   1   .bcaa...........................
 2   2   1   bbcaa...........................
 2   2   2   bb.aacc.........................
 4   2   2   bb...ccaaaa.....................
 4   4   2   bbbb.ccaaaa.....................
 4   4   4   bbbb...aaaacccc.................
 8   4   4   bbbb.......ccccaaaaaaaa.........
 8   8   4   bbbbbbbb...ccccaaaaaaaa.........
 8   8   8   bbbbbbbb.......aaaaaaaacccccccc.

Notice how we keep having to copy the arrays around in memory; this is bad for performance. Also, note how we don’t use our available memory perfectly: holes start to build up over time, echoes of where things used to be. Keeping track of which chunks of memory are used and which ones aren’t takes memory in and of itself too, not to mention the performance cost of having to search for a gap big enough for whatever we’re currently allocating.

A simpler, more efficient approach

All this goes away if we statically allocate everything: let’s choose a reasonable upper limit to how many items we can have, and allocate enough space for that many.

Let’s say 9 is our limit:

capacity of
 a   b   c   memory
=== === === ==================================
 9   9   9   aaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbccccccccc.....

We go through each of our elements, putting them in the reserved space. Let’s say we end up using only 5 slots out of the available 9:

capacity of
 a   b   c   memory
=== === === ==================================
 9   9   9   aaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbccccccccc.....
             ^^^^^    ^^^^^    ^^^^^

We’re wasting a lot of memory here, more than forty percent!

When programming in a style where everything is statically allocated, it’s common to have two memory blocks: one is permanent memory (where we keep things we need to look at later in the program’s runtime), and the other is temporary memory (where we keep things momentarily during processing).

Let’s actually use temporary memory to store these maximum-size arrays:

 temporary memory
 ^^^^^    ^^^^^    ^^^^^

 permanent memory

We can now, using just three memcpys, copy the used portion into permanent memory. Let’s also reset the temporary memory, since we don’t need it anymore.

 temporary memory

 permanent memory

100% utilization!

In the typical grow-as-you-go approach, getting to the point where we can hold five items in each array would’ve taken nine memcpy calls, resulting in the following memory layout:

 ^^^^^          ^^^^^   ^^^^^

Of course, Rust’s Vec<T> for instance has a method called shrink_to_fit which, as the name suggests, will resize the backing allocation so there’s no spare capacity. Calling that on each of the three arrays would result in this layout:

capacity of
 a   b   c   memory
=== === === ==================================
 8   8   8   bbbbbbbb.......aaaaaaaacccccccc.
             ^^^^^          ^^^^^   ^^^^^
 5   8   8   bbbbbbbbaaaaa..........cccccccc.
             ^^^^^   ^^^^^          ^^^^^
 5   5   8   bbbbb...aaaaa..........cccccccc.
             ^^^^^   ^^^^^          ^^^^^
 5   5   5   bbbbb...aaaaaccccc..............
             ^^^^^   ^^^^^^^^^^

Memory fragmentation

Having these gaps in our address space isn’t bad only because it means that memory is less likely to be used at all. If, later, we allocate something that needs three or fewer dots’ worth of space, then it’ll go into that gap between the bs and the as.

 ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^

There’s a good chance that everything else being allocated during that time is further along in the address space where there’s more free space for larger allocations.

=================== a big gap ========
 bbbbbxx.aaaaaccccc           yyyyyyy
 ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^           ^^^^^^^

Things that are allocated together are likely to later be accessed together [citation needed]. By having the xs separated from the ys by such a long distance in memory – even though they were allocated at the same time! – we’ve worsened cache locality, which could cause cache misses and degrade performance.

If, on the other hand, we had used the preallocated approach …

 permanent memory
================ a big gap  ==========
 aaaaabbbbbccccc            xxyyyyyyy
 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^            ^^^^^^^^^

… then everything is packed optimally for memory usage and performance.

Okay, but why don’t I need a dynamic array type?

A nice way to implement the strategy I’ve just described is to use a bump allocator. Let’s see a basic implementation of one in C:

#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>

typedef struct bump {
	char *ptr;
	size_t remaining;
} bump;

void *bump_allocate(bump *b, size_t size)
	// die if we run out of space
	assert(b->remaining >= size);

	void *p = b->ptr;
	b->ptr += size;
	b->remaining -= size;
	return p;

We can just use bump allocators instead of a dynamic array type, since there’s no growing involved anymore. Let’s first create bump allocators for the as, bs, and cs:

typedef struct a { /* ... */ } a;
typedef struct b { /* ... */ } b;
typedef struct c { /* ... */ } c;

#define MAX_CAPACITY 9

bump bump_create_sub_allocator(bump *b, size_t size)
	void *buf = bump_allocate(b, size);
	return (bump){
		.ptr = buf,
		.remaining = size,

void do_thing(
	bump *temp_memory,
	bump *permanent_memory)
	bump as = bump_create_sub_allocator(temp_memory, sizeof(a) * MAX_CAPACITY);
	bump bs = bump_create_sub_allocator(temp_memory, sizeof(b) * MAX_CAPACITY);
	bump cs = bump_create_sub_allocator(temp_memory, sizeof(c) * MAX_CAPACITY);

And this is how we fill our bump allocators up with data:

void do_thing(
	bump *temp_memory,
	bump *permanent_memory)
	bump as = bump_create_sub_allocator(temp_memory, sizeof(a) * MAX_CAPACITY);
	bump bs = bump_create_sub_allocator(temp_memory, sizeof(b) * MAX_CAPACITY);
	bump cs = bump_create_sub_allocator(temp_memory, sizeof(c) * MAX_CAPACITY);

	// in Rust we would do

	// but in this style we do
	a *a_ptr = bump_allocate(&as, sizeof(a));
	*a_ptr = my_a;

And voilà! With this approach we have near-instant allocation, lower memory usage, better cache locality and fewer memcpy calls, all without the need for generics or binary-bloating monomorphization.

Luna Razzaghipour
16 February 2023