To Use a Keyword or an Identifier?

The latest C standard declares that true, false, int, float and all the other core types are keywords. As a result, a definition like

union int_or_float {
	int int;
	float float;

is illegal since you can’t use keywords as field names. This isn’t just a contrived edge case, in my opinion: a union like the above is genuinely useful if you’re doing a lot of bitcasts. I think this situation is a shame, because being forced to use more elaborate field names to circumvent the rule doesn’t help anyone – is perfectly clear as it is.

Unsurprisingly1, Go fixes this apparent wart in C and doesn’t make any of the numeric types like int, float64 and bool (shush I know booleans aren’t technically numeric but go with me here) keywords. Go treats them the same as other types, except that they have literal syntax, importing them isn’t necessary, operators work on them, and so on. They’re still hard-coded in the compiler, but their names remain available. The same goes for true, false and nil, which count as constants – magical constants, of course, with special treatment in the language. What this means is that

type intAndFloat struct {
	int     int
	float64 float64

is perfectly valid Go code that uses perfectly valid field names, no matter what my blog’s syntax highlighter might imply.

You can also do some tricky things with this:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Printf("true is %v and false is %v.\n", true, false)
	true := false
	fmt.Printf("true is %v and false is %v.\n", true, false)

That’s right. This actually prints

$ go run demo.go
true is true and false is false.
true is false and false is false.

We can even change the type entirely:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Printf("true is %v and false is %v.\n", true, false)
	true := "huh????"
	fmt.Printf("true is %v and false is %v.\n", true, false)
$ go run demo.go
true is true and false is false.
true is huh???? and false is false.

Let’s try the same with nil

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Printf("nil = %v\n", (*int)(nil))

	nil := 50
	fmt.Printf("nil = %v\n", nil)
$ go run demo.go
nil = <nil>
nil = 50

Even worse, we can redefine the built-in types in the same manner:

package main

import "fmt"

type int string
type pair struct {
	a, b int

func main() {
	p := pair{"hi", "there!"}
$ go run demo.go
{hi there!}

Thanks to Go’s philosophy of eschewing compiler warnings, none of these programs produce as much as a peep from the compiler. Even Go’s linter, go vet, has nothing to say.

Those cases were contrived, of course, but they still feel bad. Could this be used for evil? If you ask the competitors in the Underhanded C Contest they’d definitely say “yes”, but I’m not sure if that’s so fair. In my opinion, it’s a good idea to make writing unobvious & confusing code harder through language design. (Macros, I’m looking at you!)

I think there’s a best-of-both-worlds solution here: allow using true, false, int, etc as identifiers, but make the compiler error out in troublesome situations. More concretely: we don’t want a user-declared identifier to use the same name as a built-in identifier when the user-declared identifier is in the same “namespace” as its built-in counterpart. For example, it’s okay to create a package, field or type with the name true, but it isn’t okay to create a function, constant or variable with that name since functions, constants and variables inhabit the “value namespace”. For example:2

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Printf("true is %v and false is %v.\n", true, false)
	fmt.Printf("nil = %v\n", nil)

func true() {}
func nil() {}
$ go run demo.go
true is 0x102f84550 and false is false.
nil = 0x102f84560

Basically, fmt.Println(true) should always print true no matter what. In the same vein, it’s acceptable to define a package, function, constant, variable or field with the name int, but not a type with that name.

The compiler should enforce these rules, thereby giving us the flexibility to re-use the names built into the language where appropriate without creating the possibility for confusing code.

  1. To me, Go is basically a cleaned-up C with a GC and built-in concurrency thrown on top. ↩︎

  2. Funnily enough, go vet does complain about this particular example. ↩︎

Luna Razzaghipour
11 February 2024