Prefer Passing By Pointer

Before the standardization of C, not all C compilers let you pass or return structs by value. This led to code that looks like this:

struct player {
	int x, y;
	int health;
	int score;
	int xp;
	int level;
	int damage_taken;
	int secs_played;

player_create(struct player *p, int screen_w, int screen_h)
	p->x = screen_w / 2;
	p->y = screen_h / 2;
	p->health = 100;
	p->score = 0;
	p->xp = 0;
	p->level = 1;
	p->damage_taken = 0;
	p->secs_played = 0;

player_update(struct player *p)
	// ...

	struct player p;
	player_create(&p, 80, 24);

	while (1) {

As someone who came to C from Rust, my reaction when I first saw code like this was one of disgust. If you add another field to struct player, then player_create will accidentally leave it uninitialized. When player_update accesses that field – instant UB! Moreover, that repeated p-> looks ugly, and on a conceptual level it feels wrong too. player_create is meant to be creating a player, and yet it’s taking a pointer to one as an argument? And why don’t we make this code more FP-style to definitely 100% reduce bugs? player_update could well take p by value and return an updated form.

After C was standardized as C89 (with the addition of designated initializers in C99) all these changes can be realized:

struct player
player_create(int screen_w, int screen_h)
	return (struct player){
		.x = screen_w / 2,
		.y = screen_h / 2,
		.health = 100,
		.score = 0,
		.xp = 0,
		.level = 1,
		.damage_taken = 0,
		.secs_played = 0,

struct player
player_update(struct player p)
	struct player new = p;
	// ...
	return new;

	struct player p = player_create(80, 24);

	while (1) {
		p = player_update(p);

Now the update loop in demo looks more functional, and player_create can use that nice familiar record syntax. If we forget a field, player_create will just set it to zero. This code does the same exact thing as before, so surely the compiler has our back and will generate the same code. Right?

(Note that I’ve disabled inlining for the following examples so that we can actually see what’s happening instead of it all being flattened out. Code was compiled using Clang 14 at -O3.)

First, we have the A64 assembly for the newer form:

	// function prologue
	sub     sp, sp, #0x70
	stp     x29, x30, [sp, #0x60]
	add     x29, sp, #0x60

	// p = player_create(...)
	sub     x8, x29, #0x20
	mov     w0, #80
	mov     w1, #24
	bl      player_create

	// tmp = p
	ldp     q0, q1, [x29, #-0x20]
	stp     q0, q1, [sp]

	// tmp2 = player_update(tmp)
	add     x8, sp, #0x20
	mov     x0, sp
	bl      player_update

	// p = tmp2
	ldp     q0, q1, [sp, #0x20]
	stp     q0, q1, [x29, #-0x20]

	b       loop

The call to player_create has been compiled nicely, with the result (x8) being placed directly into p’s stack slot (x29 - 0x20). The update loop isn’t looking so good though – first we copy p into a temporary, then call player_update which puts its result into another temporary, and finally copy from that temporary into p. This could be even worse if struct player were larger than a mere 32 bytes.

Why did the compiler spit out such awful code? Aren’t they meant to do all kinds of magical register allocation and scalar-replacement-of-aggregate optimizations? Well, it turns out that both the AAPCS64 and System V ABIs only pass & return structs in registers if they are 16 bytes or smaller. In this case our struct is 32 bytes, so our only option to avoid these copies is to pass by pointer.

Reverting back to the old style, we get this assembly:

	// function prologue
	sub     sp, sp, #0x30
	stp     x29, x30, [sp, #0x20]
	add     x29, sp, #0x20

	mov     x0, sp
	mov     w1, #80
	mov     w2, #24
	bl      player_create

	mov     x0, sp
	bl      player_update
	b       loop

Gone are the two memcpys along with all that confusing fiddling with the stack and frame pointers, replaced with beautiful simplicity. Exactly as much code as is needed for the task, and no more. A contemporary processor will eliminate all those movs, so this is even cheaper than it looks.

A little philosophizing

I want to pause for a moment to emphasize what we just saw. Initially, we tried to improve the code by making it reflect our intentions. “player_create creates a new player, so it should return a new player, not update an existing one through a pointer.” This is an illusion: that version of player_create was still passed a pointer (x8) through which to write its returned player object. Instead, we should consider what the processor must perform to accomplish our task, and write the simplest-possible code which expresses those instructions. “Since struct player is larger than 16 bytes I know player_create will need to store its result through a pointer, so I’ll just write the code that does that.”

Let me put it another way: at its heart, a struct is a way of specifying how data is laid out in memory. It’s a convenience that lets us write p->health instead of *(int *)(p + 8) and p->level instead of *(int *)(p + 20). With this in mind, player_create isn’t really “creating a player” at all. Rather, it’s writing values at particular offsets from a location in memory. The pointer-based version of player_create is the simplest way of accomplishing that.

Exploiting our circumstances

The benefits of passing and returning by pointer go beyond cleaner assembly. Assume for a moment that we have some struct player-sized memory which we know has already been zeroed out – perhaps it came from mmap. In this scenario, explicitly writing zeroes into score, xp, damage_taken and secs_played is wasteful. The version of player_create which uses designated initializers writes to every field of player_create no matter what we do. When we pass the player by pointer it lets us write to different regions of it selectively, saving the processor from carrying out unnecessary work.

player_create(struct player *p, int screen_w, int screen_h)
	p->x = screen_w / 2;
	p->y = screen_h / 2;
	p->health = 100;
	p->level = 1;

A difference in perspective

Once you escape the mindset of functions as little machines that take inputs in on one side and spit out outputs on the other, you can come up with new ways of doing things you wouldn’t have otherwise thought of.

Imagine we’re appending instances of struct player to an array of players.

append_many(struct array *players)
	for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
		append(players, player_create(80, 20));

This all feels nice and logical. The player is created and then passed into the append function. Once again, though, we’re trapped in our mental model of what the code does – appending 128 players to an array of players – instead of thinking about what it needs to do – writing certain values in a pattern repeatedly across memory.

There are fundamentally two parts to this problem: we need some way to step along the memory, and we also need a way to write the data for a player at a given location. We can use our pointer-based player_create from earlier for the second part. It writes values into memory at the offsets we want, but it only does it once. There’s a simple way of accomplishing the first part: rather than doing the writing itself, append can just tell us where to write.

append_many(struct array *players)
	for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
		struct player *p = append(players);
		player_create(p, 80, 20);

Perhaps append could be renamed to next or push, I’m not quite sure. player_init might be a more appropriate name than player_create, too.

But notice what just happened: if we view what we were doing before through this lens, it seems almost absurd. player_create “returns” a player but in reality needs somewhere to put it, so a temporary is allocated on the stack and the player data is written into it. append is “passed” the player, which is really a pointer to the temporary. append proceeds to calculate where the next slot in the array is, and copies the player from the temporary into that slot.

Conveniently, this approach means your generic container types never take or return elements by value, which in turn means you don’t need monomorphization, cutting down on code bloat. As a side note, having multiple copies of some instructions in an executable which vary only by the number of bytes being operated on feels a bit silly to me in light of what I’ve discussed in this article.

What about Zig?

Zig has two features which attempt to automate the transformations I’ve shown in this article.

Though both of these features seemed like possibly good ideas to me when I first came across them, unfortunately they’re too confusing to use in practice, and might have to be removed from the language.

Luna Razzaghipour
15 September 2023